Opportunity To Serve/Servant’s Application

  • The Bible teaches that every Christian has a God-given ministry. In order for us to achieve our mission of making an impact in the Tuxedo area for Jesus, we need every member of our church exercising his/her gifts.
  • If you would like to help out in any of the areas below, contact the church office at info@ccgfchurch.org or by calling at 845.915.3445
  • Current Opportunities To Serve Coffee & Food Table. If you are interested in serving at the Coffee and Food table please sign up at the info table.
  • We are currently taking a break but will launch again in the winter season.
  • Children’s Ministry-  If you would like to serve in the Toddlers, 4-7 or 8-12 year old class please sign up at the kids ministry table.
  • Opportunity to Serve Application